Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the best age to start music lessons?

    • We find that around 5 to 7 years old is a great time to start learning an instrument.

    • In saying that, introducing children to music from the moment they are born is a fantastic choice! This can be done by having music on at home, dancing, singing, clapping, whatever you can think of. The most important thing for children is developing a love of music.

    • We are currently developing an early childhood music programs for children 1 to 4 years old.

  • how long does it take to learn an instrument?

    • The main factor here is how much your practice. The more you practice, the faster you will improve.

    • Another factor is that different people learn at different speeds. You may find some aspects of music fairly easy and then other aspects, such as coordination, might take a little longer. Just remember, its all part of the journey.

    • A teenager or adult learning guitar from scratch, attending weekly lessons and practicing for half an hour 3 times per week would usually take between one month and three months to be able to play their first song. But again, everybody is different and you could take far less or far more time.

    • Someone learning drums or singing would be able to play their first song in the first lesson, but then developing their skills to be able to nail the song would take much longer. You will see your first signs of improvement within the first two weeks if you are practicing.

  • do I have to learn music theory to be able to play music?

    • You do not need to have a deep understanding of music theory to be a musician, but you will need to learn some basics around timing and pitch.

  • Do I need to buy an instrument to begin lessons?

    • No, when you first begin lessons you do not need to have an instrument. But after a few lessons once you have decided you want to continue pursuing the instrument, you will need to purchase one. Ask us for help, we love to help find the right instrument for you!

  • how much should I be practicing my instrument each week?

    • The more you practice, the faster you will improve!

    • For small children, practicing for 10 to 15 minutes per day is great. If there are days where they really don’t want to, don’t force them to. The main goal is helping them enjoy music and this means not having them stressed and hating homework.

    • For adults, practicing for 30 to 60 minutes at least 3 times per week is great

    • If you are finding it hard to get practice time in and you are wondering if its worth you continuing, have a look at your reason for learning. If you are just seeking music lessons as a fun hobby, or to take time for yourself, then do not be too harsh on yourself with practice. It is something to relish and enjoy in whatever way suits you. If you are only touching your instrument during your lessons, you will slowly continue to improve.

    • If you are learning an instrument because you have big plans of living a life as a professional musician, you definitely need to be practicing as much as possible every day.

  • Which instrument should my child learn?

    • All instruments are great! Guitar is the slowest progress as there are more obstacles at the start before they feel gratification, compared to drums, singing and keys. We do have introduction to music programs where kids can try out all of the instruments and see which they prefer. Swing us a message and we can help you decide!

  • why should my child learn an instrument?

    • There are endless reasons why your child should learn music! A few of these reasons include:

      • Playing music is an outlet for self expression, including feelings that can be confusing or difficult to put into words

      • They learn the meaning of perseverance, and realise that if they can’t do something right now, they will be able to do it with PRACTICE.

      • Kids learn to listen to others when playing in time with other students

      • Kids form new friendships through music, and can find a space to belong that they wouldn’t have otherwise found in school

      • Learning an instrument is scientifically proven to be very good for brain development and coordination

      • So many more reasons!!!

      • Visit this awesome article to see more reasons why all kids should learn music.

  • i am an adult. Am I too old to learn to play music?

    • I cannot say this enough. You are NEVER too old to learn to play music. We have had people in their 70s pick up drumsticks for the first time at our school, and we have watched these people light up as they return each week, experiencing the thrill of being able to do things they never have in all their life. I highly recommend commencing a musical journey, no matter your age.

  • How do I motivate my child to practice?

    • The most important thing when a child begins learning music, is for them to be developing a love for it. We have heard over and over again the same story about people who hated their boring music lessons as a child, and quit after their parents constantly pressured them to practice.

    • This is why at The Buttery our initial priority is inspiring love and excitement for music in our students. We do this by guiding them to be able to play music they love, and helping them to experience a sense of progression that excites them to keep going.

    • Your child WILL lose motivation at points on their musical journey. It’s natural that our interest ebb and flow. The difference between people who play music and people who don’t is that they continued through those periods. Don’t force your child to practice if they are in an unmotivated phase. Instead, sit and watch cool music performances on Youtube with them, go out to live music events with them, and let them see you enjoying music. With this, and the help of their teacher’s consistent teaching and encouragement, they will find their motivation again.

    • Another way is to add goals and other kids. We provide events such as the end of year concert, school holiday workshops, and our band program for kids to partake in all sorts of things from performances to recording to writing music together. These are epic ways to keep them motivated.

  • Where should I buy my musical instrument from?

    • Our favourite musical instrument shop is Riffs n Licks in Newstead.

    • There are many great finds on Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree

    • Contact us any time and we will help you find the musical instrument that is right for you!

  • still haven’t got the answer to your question? Contact us here!